General information
Make sure you really need to apply for a visa. A visa is not required if you already have a valid U.S. visa or are a citizen of a visa-free country.
Please make sure you have chosen the right country of your citizenship and the type of visa you are applying for. Incorrectly selected information may cause your application to be cancelled and you will not be able to schedule an appointment until the next available interview day.
If you require a visa, follow these steps:
Applicants who apply for Non-immigration visas:
- Must determine the type of visa from the register of visa categories. Each visa type explains visa qualifications and visa application procedures. Select the type of visa that applies to your situation.
- Once you have decided on the type of visa, you must pay the consular fee. The page: Consular fees lists the types of visas and the size of the fee for considering visa applications in US dollars and national currency.
- The next step is to complete the online visa application form DS-160. Be sure to read the Form DS-160 Application Completion. All information in the completed questionnaire must be correct and accurate. After submitting the questionnaire, you will not be able to make changes. If you need help, please contact your immigration lawyer or interpreter. The call center cannot help you complete the visa application form DS-160. You will need a DS-160 visa application barcode number to sign up for an interview
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